Our Services


Exterior Painting

Wanting to look good on the outside? We can inject new life and value to your residential or commercial project.

Increasing curb appeal is our speciality. With our years of expertise we provide beautiful, high quality results that you are sure to love and enjoy.


Interior Painting

We love creating value and style, our trusted team will take care of your needs so you can sit back and relax.

As interior painting experts we work with the best paint suppliers and brands to bring exceptional results with our friendly and professional service.


Water Blasting

Washing is a must-do but it can be time consuming and labour intensive. We can take care of that.

We provide quality water blasting services if you are in need of a solution to protect paintwork from harsh conditions. We keep your home looking it’s best.

Our Process


1. On Site Consultation

It all begins with an on site visit to see the extent of the work that needs to be done. Wether that’s exterior, interior or anything else this will give us a better idea of the costings, timeframe and most importantly to find out more about you and what you’re wanting.

2. Washing & Stripping

If you have old wallpaper, paint or exterior chipping we will ensure to wash and strip what is required before we begin any undercoats of paint. It’s best to work on a nice clean surface that has been mended of any imperfections to achieve the best results.

3. Painting

Now we get to bring your vision to reality. First we will apply a strong undercoat then apply a first top coat which will be followed by a second top coat. Once the paint has dried we take you through everything, clean up the area and you can enjoy!

Contact Us


+64 21 047 3845

Nain Nain
+64 21 100 1818

B102/48 Constable Street, Newtown,
Wellington, 6011